Some of our happy clients




CLIENT: Gatorade
CAMPAIGN DATE: January, 2018

This was a project I managed, myself and ten other video editors worked on for a Super Bowl promotion for Gatorade. The edits were uploaded to the platform.
We won a couple of awards for this promotion. Also below are just a few of my favorite ads from the campaign.
The Results
Giforade was a massive success. All of the following was a achieved with a very small media buy.
Over 200 branded GIFs created. Launched the day before the Super Bowl.
118 Million Views in a Single Day. (More than the Super Bowl itself)
Most views in a single day by a brand on Giphy ever.
From non-existent to a Top 10 Brand on giphy in a single day.
Nearly 80% of the views were earned organically.
Up to 420,000,000 views within 8 weeks of launch.

Clio Award

PSB 10 Year Celebration

CLIENT: Gatorade
CAMPAIGN DATE: November, 2021

This project was for Reddit to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the subreddit r/PhotoShopBattles. We provided twelve banner ads and a two minute long promptional/celebration video showing the growth and evolution of PhotoShop Battles over the last decade. 





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